How To Train Your Dog At Home?

Pet dogs have to be trained at a young age preferably so that they can get better training and you can train your dog at home itself. Training should depend on the owner’s needs and develop a bond between them. Training is required for dogs to control their aggressive behavior, teach them new tricks, teach them appropriate behavior, and accustom them to social situations. Though the training needed by dogs depends on their genes, breeds, age groups, the basic training is the same. Training helps to socialize an aggressive dog, so owners must start to train their dogs from starting age itself.
It is necessary to train your dog at home even before taking professional help. Basic commands and behaviors should be taught by owners themselves to establish a greater understanding. Certain habits have to be taught to animals so that they can survive and enjoy human social scenarios. This is important so that dogs can maintain and respect other creatures’ boundaries which further shape their behavior. Trained dogs are proven to have a happier and healthier life than untrained pets.Â
Methods To Train Your Dog At Home:
1. Obedience training:
This training is the basic requirement for dogs so that they can put on good behavior. Many steps are required for good obedience training. Some dog obedience training tips are:
- Tools: Even though basic training doesn’t require a high level, professional tools, things like dog leashes, whistles, clickers, collars, can be used. Giving treats after every small step towards good behavior is necessary. It is a way to tell dogs they are doing what they are supposed to. Dog treats can be store-bought or made at home like plain cooked meats, cookies, etc.
- Training method: A dog training plan or strategy has to be put in place before starting. This is because it is advisable to stay on the same course and not switch between methods in between. Switching methods can confuse the dogs and not provide a desirable result. Methods like positive reinforcement, clicker training, leash training, conditioning, and counter-conditioning can be chosen. While choosing such methods it is important to note the dog’s happiness and shouldn’t hamper its trust or socialization skills with others.Â
- Regular sessions: Training should not be a long continuous process. You can’t expect your dog to learn commands for 2-3 hours at one go. It is advisable to keep short training sessions of 15-20 minutes 3-4 times a day. This initiates excitement in your pet every time you want to train it and becomes convenient for owners too.
- Basic commands: Once basic obedience has been taught, it is time to level up using proper recommended dog commands. Owners can easily train their dogs to lie down, sit, stand, stay, jump, etc. These commands help in the future to develop advanced skills and train them better.Â
2. Tricks:
To offer dogs mental stimulation and raise their situation analyzing skills, fun tricks can be taught. These tricks can be built from basic commands and can be shown off to other pet owners. For instance, giving a kiss, speaking, shaking paws, waves, spinning, rolling over, playing dead, bowing, and many other cool tricks can be taught.Â
3. Advanced commands:
For advanced commands like bowing, using treats can be beneficial. Owners can use treats by following the dog’s eye movement. When the dog is standing, a treat can be kept at the tip of their nose where they can see it. Owners can lure dogs through treats to lower to straighten their bodies. These can be used in combinations to teach them to roll, shake paws, spin, or bow. By adding basic commands like sit or stand, advanced training can be made easier.Â
These tricks should be broken into clear steps so that the dog can differentiate between each action. Rewards should be given only when the whole trick is completed successfully. Small training sessions as mentioned before are more advantageous than long training hours. These dog obedience training tips are helpful in the long run to teach them to do anything.Â
4. Proofing:
It should be noted that not all dogs can be trained according to the owner’s wishes. Being patient, proofing tricks, not using harsh methods to train are the basic requirements. Their physical capacity, physical problems, or disadvantages have to be kept in mind while training. Apart from that, resistance from dogs is completely justifiable and good positive training/reinforcement methods should be implemented. However, this shouldn’t mean that bad behavior should not be dealt with or not be interrupted. The success of training lies in the owner’s consistency, demeanor, and way of handling problems in the way.Â
Some other dog training tips to provide the pet with a fun learning experience are:
Playing games:
Serious training should be equally balanced with playtime. The whole point of training is to create a positive relationship between you and your pet. Indoor games, shared games with children, can be multiple. Playing fetch, tug of war, hide and seek, dog sports can be implemented. These games give dogs a way to use their high energy, increase confidence, improve their emotional and predatory instinct, etc. Multiple usages of basic and advanced commands can be used in the meantime to train them simultaneously. Playtime should however not be taken too seriously and dogs should be allowed whatever they want to explore.
Since dogs are animals, they need to learn how to live in human environments. Young pups are generally provided with crate training for their safety which helps them make a territory. Praising dogs for good behavior, using commands like ‘no’ to prevent them from having accidents, allowing them to excrete on training pads, are some of the many ways to train your dog at home completely.
Leash training:Â
Introducing pet dogs to a leash can be tricky and has to be done positively. After analyzing the dog’s comfort level, they should be taught how to walk while the owner is holding the leash. This includes teaching them not to run or play while a leash is being held on to. Loose leashes help gain the dog’s trust and train them not to pull or lunge. Training is the only way for the dogs to overcome their leash reactivity.
While providing any training be it basic, advanced, or even during playtime, no frustration should be shown to dogs directly. This creates a negative effect for them and might become a barrier to smooth training. Proofing behaviors in different environments teaching them self-control, and managing their behavior is a part of dog training.Â
Giving basic training at home saves a lot of time and money. It is also a great way to have fun with you along with learning about them. If you are successful in training your dog yourself, you can be more committed to your pet by setting up daily schedules or even creating a training program yourself.